You’re used to it. You’ve been suffering, and can’t seem to find long-term relief. You’ve been through more therapists than you can count on one hand (or maybe two..), and have been in and out of hospitals and intensive outpatient programs. You’re no stranger to therapy, but after all you’ve been through, you’re starting to doubt in its effectiveness. You might even be reading this thinking to yourself that there’s no point in trying again–that you’ll never feel any less miserable anyways. But the thing is, you’re here for a reason. You deserve to feel better. You deserve to find happiness. You can, and you will. We can help.

We specialize in empowering people who’ve been through therapy before to find solutions that will work for them. We’ll meet you with compassion, but I’m also not afraid to do what it takes to help you actually make the changes we talk about in session. Take the risk; try again. You’re worth it, we promise.

if you’ve done therapy before…

Common areas of focus

Self Harm (cutting, burning, self-hitting)

Suicidality (Suicidal Thoughts or Ideations)



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